The success of Northern Nevada Pride depends on volunteers like you!
Northern Nevada Pride is 100% volunteer managed and run. We depend on the work and enthusiasm of volunteers just like you to make it a big success each year! Sign up to volunteer today!
Northern Nevada Pride is produced by and supports the activities of Our Center, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Our Center serves to establish and maintain a safe, empowering, and supportive center in Northern Nevada that addresses advocacy, education, and services.
By supporting Northern Nevada Pride, you are supporting this effort.

Festival Volunteer
Deadline: Aug 31, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Help make the Festival the best Pride celebration! As a volunteer, you are the key to making this event a success! Sign up for more than one shift! Responsibilities may include setup, assisting and directing attendees, working entrances and exits, conducting monetary transactions, breakdown, and miscellaneous responsibilities. Please check-in at the Volunteer Booth at least 5 minutes before your shift.
Parade Volunteer
Deadline: Aug 31, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Join us at the Northern Nevada Pride Parade! In this role, you will help to direct participants and attendees at the staging area and/or along the parade route. Responsibilities may include setup, assisting and directing participants, and miscellaneous responsibilities. Please check-in on 4th and Virginia at least 10 minutes before your shift.

Hype/Marketing Volunteer
Deadline: Aug 31, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Join us in being on the Hype Team for NNP! Morning Crew: Organizing and hanging banners, signage, and artwork. Helping make the festival grounds and parade route look fabulous. Afternoon Crew: Maintaining banners and signage. Promoting the event via official social media. Taking photos and video to document the event. Celebrating PRIDE with spreading love, high fives, and hundreds of rainbow flags. Closing Crew: Taking down and organizing banners, signage, and artwork. General awesomeness. Rules: Be awesome, don’t cut your hand, smile. Please check-in at least 5 minutes before your shift.
Our Center Booth Volunteer
Deadline: Aug 31, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Join us at the Northern Nevada Pride Festival! As a volunteer, you are the key to making this a success! You will helping sell merchandise and talk about Our Center, northern Nevada's LGBTQIA+ community center, to Pride attendees!

Terms & Conditions
Welcome to Northern Nevada Pride. We are grateful for your interest in volunteering with us. As a volunteer, you play a crucial role in celebrating and supporting the LGBTQ+ community in Reno, NV. To ensure a positive and productive experience for everyone involved, we have established the following terms and conditions.
Volunteer Terms and Conditions
1. Role and Responsibilities
- Role Assignment: Volunteers will be assigned roles and tasks based on their skills, interests, and the needs of Northern Nevada Pride.
- Commitment: Volunteers are expected to fulfill their agreed-upon time commitments and notify their supervisor if they are unable to attend as scheduled.
- Professional Conduct: Volunteers must conduct themselves in a professional manner, respecting the organization's policies, staff, fellow volunteers, and participants.
- Confidentiality: Volunteers must maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive information they encounter during their service.
- Training: Volunteers are required to participate in any mandatory training sessions related to their roles.
2. Safety and Welfare
- Work Environment: Northern Nevada Pride is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all volunteers.
- Reporting Incidents: Any incidents, injuries, or unsafe conditions should be reported immediately to the volunteer coordinator or supervisor.
3. Rights and Obligations
- Non-Discrimination: Northern Nevada Pride does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.
- Termination: Either the volunteer or Northern Nevada Pride may terminate the volunteer arrangement at any time, with or without cause, with appropriate notice.
4. Waiver and Release
- Assumption of Risk: By participating as a volunteer, you acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated with volunteer activities, including but not limited to physical injury, accidents, and exposure to various conditions.
- Release of Liability: You hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Northern Nevada Pride, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise from your participation in volunteer activities, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
- Medical Treatment: In the event of an injury or medical emergency, you consent to receiving medical treatment deemed necessary by medical professionals. You understand that you are responsible for any medical expenses incurred as a result of such treatment.
Volunteer Bill of Rights
As a volunteer at Northern Nevada Pride, you have the right to:
- Be Treated with Respect: To be treated as a co-worker, not just free help. To be given the same consideration and respect as paid staff.
- Meaningful Work: To be assigned meaningful tasks that match your skills and interests.
- Adequate Training: To receive the necessary training and support to perform your tasks effectively.
- Supervision and Guidance: To receive clear instructions and supervision from a designated staff member or volunteer coordinator.
- Feedback: To receive constructive feedback on your performance and to have your suggestions and ideas taken into account.
- Safe Working Conditions: To work in a safe and healthy environment.
- Recognition: To receive recognition and appreciation for your contributions to Northern Nevada Pride.
By volunteering, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the guidelines set forth by Northern Nevada Pride.